Umiliati e Offesi
Storie di umiliazione femdom a sfondo fetish, foot fetish e soft bdsm.
Stories of humiliation femdom fetish, foot fetish and soft bdsm.
Crimini Italiani
Storie di crimini e umiliazioni, centrate soprattutto sui fetish: hand over mouth, smothering, damsel in distress e femdom in lingua Italiana.
Stories of crimes and humiliation, especially on fetish: hand over mouth, smothering, damsel in distress, and general femdom in Italian language.
GisyAdmirable Fetish Fantasies
Clips che rappresentano i pił diversi fetish a livello mondiale: sneeze, nose blowing, hiccups, foot fetish, crush, hand fetish, financial domination.
Clips that represent the different fetish worldwide: sneeze, nose blowing, hiccups, foot fetish, crush, hand fetish, financial domination.